Favorite tea photo, that is.
Tomorrow, Saturday January 26th is the last active day of our Web Party and also our Tea Photo Contest Day. Snap and share your favorite tea (or TeaSource) photo that you took on TeaSource's Facebook or Twitter. That’s it.
A team of TeaSource employees will choose the three favorites and each winner will receive a $25.00 gift card. Full rules and procedures are at the bottom of this post.
Here are some of our favorite tea (or TeaSource) photos to get you in the mood and to give you some examples.
Teas lined up for cupping/evaluation at the Kenilworth Estate, Ceylon
Kouki, son of one of our great employees, really getting into his iced tea. The puer tower behind him is bigger than he is.
Tea fields in Anhui province, China
Grace, daughter of another great TeaSource employee, drinking puer.
Camellia Sinensis: two leaves and a bud
Blue Beauty Oolong (does the table look familiar?)
The Boss: we start ‘em young at TeaSource
I WISH I had taken this photo.
*Rules & Procedures:
-All photos submitted must have been taken by the person submitting the photos (unlike the photo directly above--I just couldn’t resist).
-Photos must be submitted before midnight on Saturday January 25th
-Photos can be entered into the contest by posting the photo on TeaSource's Facebook page or by tagging (@TeaSource) on Twitter and using the hashtag #TSteaphoto
-Three winners will be chosen and awarded a $25.00 gift card for TeaSource.
-Winners will be announced on Sunday, January 26th on Facebook and Twitter