After nearly six weeks of travel, I am back in Minnesota. In addition to the piles of mail on my desk, there are many packages of tea from all over the world, waiting to be evaluated. Last week, we laid out 19 different Darjeeling 2nd flush samples to cup and evaluate.
Everyone always thinks this is one of the coolest things about my job, tasting teas, and sometimes it is. Yesterday, however, was not one of those days. Nineteen Darjeeling teas in a row and out of all of them there were only two remote possibilities. And even those two weren’t that great, they were only OK. That’s 90 minutes of my life I wish I had back, and boy did I have cotton-mouth. But that is a major part of my job; tasting mediocre teas, so our customers don’t have to. And it just means I have to work a little harder to find some great 2nd flushes, and I’m confident we will. We’ll keep you informed. -Bill
I’d be more than happy to help you slog through 2nd flush Darjeelings! :-) But thank you for doing it so I don’t buy something…not good. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. I LOVE 2nd flush Darjeelings!
I’d be more than happy to help you slog through 2nd flush Darjeelings! :-) But thank you for doing it so I don’t buy something…not good. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. I LOVE 2nd flush Darjeelings!