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Preparing Iced Tea

Instant Iced Tea – Single-serve

  1. Use 4.5 grams of tea per 8 oz. water.
  2. Follow the normal hot steeping recommendations for the tea.
  3. Remove the tea leaves.
  4. Pour the tea over a cup of ice.

Flash Chill Iced Tea – Serves 8

Iced black tea and herbal tea

Steep 18 grams of tea in 4 cups of boiling water for 3 minutes. Remove the tea leaves. Add 4 cups of cold water. Chill in fridge or serve immediately over ice.

Iced oolong tea

Steep 18 grams of tea in 5 cups of boiling water for 4 minutes. Remove the tea leaves. Add 3 cups of cold water. Chill in fridge or serve immediately over ice.

Iced green tea and white tea

Steep 18 grams of tea in 4 cups of 175-degree water for 3 minutes. Remove the tea leaves. Add 4 cups of cold water. Chill in fridge or serve immediately over ice. 

A simple way to do this using standard kitchen utensils

You need 2 small-medium sized sauce pans and a large strainer or fine-slotted colander.

In one saucepan, bring 4 cups of water to a boil on the stove.  Remove from heat.  Add 18 grams of tea to the water (no filter necessary – just leaves in the water), stir them in and steep for 3 minutes.

To remove the tea leaves, place your strainer/colander over the second saucepan and pour in the tea.  The strainer will catch the leaves, which are no longer needed.  Add 4 cups of cold water to dilute your tea to the proper ratio.  Allow it to cool to room temperature, pour into a half-gallon pitcher and chill in fridge – or don’t wait and serve immediately over ice.

Iced Tea Concentrate 
Measure 1 cup of dry tea (adjust amount of tea to suit your taste). Brew with 8 cups of water. Follow regular hot tea instructions for correct brewing temperature and time. Strain into another container and refrigerate. Dilute 1 part concentrate to 2 parts water as needed. Serve over ice.

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